Four weeks of practicum at teaching 50% of the day went by extremely fast. I learned how challenging time, and routine management is in a classroom at this difficult global pandemic time. Washing hands upon entering, and leaving the classroom meant there was a lot of hand washing happening. There was constant awareness required for transition time throughout the day. Witnessing smooth transitions and punctuality is one thing, but doing it yourself is something else completely different. I learned so many amazing classroom management skills and approaches. My Coaching Teacher had a beautiful, and calm energy that transferred to her classroom and students. To work with, observe and learn from her I am so grateful. I had the opportunity to learn about, and become a part of the classroom routine and community using The Daily 5, CAFE mini lessons and Secret Stories for literacy. I feel more confident in addressing the personal needs of individual students using these approaches for literacy. As my class size decreased during a global pandemic I experienced some beautiful lessons that fostered fun, excitement and growth for all in Social Studies, Math and English Language Arts. I feel more ready for my final 10 week practicum experience. My Coaching Teacher uses Secret Stories, The Daily 5, and CAFE mini lessons in her 2/3 classroom. Options for students to read to self, work on writing, do word work, listen to reading, and read to someone are amazing. The Daily 5 requires them to read to self, and work on writing everyday, but offers other ways to practice, and enhance literacy. The Secret Stories accommodating the letter combinations and sounds pave the way for successful reading. The Secret Stories, and songs that accompany the letters are fun and engaging. The songs are catchy, and are hard to get out of your head. CAFE mini lessons that support comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary paired with Secret Stories and 20 minute Daily 5 rounds ensure that the students are well equipped for success in literacy. Opportunities for one on one daily conferencing during the Daily 5 sessions help support individual growth. The opportunity to read, and to write each day enhances literacy. I am so grateful to see these approaches to teaching in action!